Why Are My Tree Leaves Turning Yellow on My Grand Rapids Property?

Yellow Leaves

Our customers often ask, “Why are my tree leaves turning yellow?” While fall colors from our trees are essential to their charm and beauty, property owners are justly concerned when leaves appear to be sick or dying prematurely.

Read on for more information about leaf yellowing and how to preserve green leaves through the summer from the leading tree service provider in Grand Rapids, MI

Common Causes of Yellow Leaves

Arborists refer to yellowing leaves as chlorosis because the general cause of premature discoloration comes from a loss of chlorophyll production. There are several specific causes seen in Michigan for chlorosis, including:

  • Iron chlorosis. Iron deficiency is one of the leading causes of chlorosis, an essential nutrient for chlorophyll production. The condition occurs when a tree cannot efficiently absorb iron from the soil. Yellowing leaves with green veins are the strongest visual evidence of iron chlorosis.

  • Imbalanced pH. The acidity or alkalinity of soil plays a critical part in the ability of trees to take in nutrients efficiently. Yellowing leaves are usually a sign of overly alkaline soil levels.

  • Poor drainage and overwatering. Roots cannot process nutrients efficiently when they become waterlogged for extended periods. Too much soil moisture causes leaf yellowing and even leaf drop. 

  • Herbicide exposure. Some agricultural and residential herbicides can stress a tree, causing several damage symptoms, including yellowing leaves. 

  • Bacterial and fungal infection. Some microorganisms attack certain tree species and can cause yellowing leaves. 

Diagnosing the Cause of Yellowing Leaves

When answering "Why are my tree leaves turning yellow?" it helps to make a careful observation of the symptoms. Iron chlorosis typically causes the yellowing to begin at the tips of new leaf growth before moving to older leaves. In addition to the green veins mentioned above, make note of any premature leaf drop.

One step an arborist usually takes to assess the cause of leaf yellowing is a soil test. A sample can provide information about nutrient deficiencies, imbalanced pH, and other possible causes of yellowing and tree distress.

Treatments for Yellowing Leaves

After diagnosing the causes of yellowing, there are several possible remedies, including:

  • Soil treatments. Additives can balance pH and improve soil structure to assist with nutrient absorption.

  • Targeted fertilization. Apply a properly chosen fertilizer for a specific deficiency based on the results of a soil test.

  • Adjustments to watering. Improved drainage and reduced watering can help a tree’s root system recover.

The best way to help a tree suffering from yellowing leaves is to consult with the professional arborists at Monster Tree Service of Grand Rapids for an accurate diagnosis and assistance with the proper response.

Rely on Monster Tree Service of Grand Rapids for All Professional Tree Service Needs

“Why are my tree leaves turning yellow?” Let the pros at Monster Tree Service of Grand Rapids help with tree health questions and all your professional arborist needs. Our team will assist with all tree needs, including:  

  • Emergency tree services

  • Tree care and maintenance

  • Tree removal 

  • Tree trimming 

  • Tree stump removal

Contact us for friendly expert service and a free, upfront estimate of the total cost of any tree care project.