How To Deal With a Tree With Hanging Branches in Greenville County

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When you have a big tree in your yard in Greenville, it's only a matter of time before you start noticing some of the bigger branches starting to sag. As branches begin to lower, a tree with hanging branches can quickly become a danger to your household depending on the position. If you want to learn more about how to handle low-hanging branches on your Greenville property, Monster Tree Service of Greenville County explains what you need to know.

Why You Should Call Us To Deal With Low-Hanging Branches

While it may not seem like an issue now, low-hanging branches can be a danger the older they get. While the occasional dangling branch is okay, weighty branches can present a threat not just to your home's residents, but to the house itself. Here are a few reasons you'll want to hire a professional to look at your tree if you notice any hanging branches:

Branches Could Damage Your Roof

If you have a tree over 10 feet tall, any major branch that hangs could potentially fall and do serious damage to your roof. If a branch happens to fall on top of your home, the damage to shingles or a metal roof can leave unsightly scuffs and scratches. If that hanging branch falls off the tree during inclement weather, it may do more than scratch your roof's surface.

Falling Branches Can Hurt Passersby

Anyone who passes near a tree with hanging branches is at risk of injury, whether you have weeping evergreen trees on your property or closely clustered specimens like white mulberry (Morus alba) or winter-flowering cherry (Weeping cherry prunus). There are many types of weeping trees, and while it's normal for their branches to droop, dead hanging branches are a danger. Inspect your tree in full sun to see if any of the branches look dead or unstable.

Drooping Branches May Damage the Tree

If you leave a hanging branch unchecked, it may cause irreversible damage to your tree. Trees with hanging branches have a certain degree of damage, especially if the branches have been sagging or at least partially detached for a long time. If you leave a dead tree branch hanging on your tree, it may cause knotting or girdling damage as the tree with hanging branches continues to grow.

Work With Monster Tree Service of Greenville County

Now that you know what to do about a tree with hanging branches, why not get your tree matters settled with the experts in Greenville County? We have ISA-Certified Arborists on hand who can assess your tree and answer questions like "How do I know if my tree is dead?" or "Why is pollarding bad for trees in Greenville County?"

No matter what tree you have that needs pruning or removing, we're the arborists who can help so that you can stay safe. Call us at (864) 756-5665 to get a free estimate.