What Causes a Tree Trunk To Split Vertically in Greenville County?

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Clients sometimes ask, “What causes a tree trunk to split vertically?” Splits in tree bark running up and down the trunk can significantly weaken and threaten a tree. 

Read for more information as the top professional tree service in Greenville, Monster Tree Service of Greenville County, discusses some common causes and what you can do about split trunks.

Risks Presented by Vertical Cracks

Trunk cracking can put a tree at risk of dying or breaking up and falling without warning. If you are concerned a tree might present a safety hazard, consult with the experts at Monster Tree Service of Greenville County to assess the risk. 

Vertical cracks in a tree’s trunk increase its vulnerability to disease and pest infestation. As cracks become larger, they threaten a tree’s structural integrity.

Causes of Vertical Trunk Cracking

Environmental stress is a common answer to “What causes a tree trunk to split vertically?” Temperature fluctuations can lead to sudden force and trauma that damages a tree’s core structure.

Frost Cracking

Frost cracks happen when significant temperature fluctuations occur, usually in late winter and spring. As the temperature falls, the outer bark on a tree cools and contracts more rapidly than the inner trunk. When the change happens rapidly, the stress can cause the outer bark layers to crack as they tighten around the core. 

Very cold weather in winter can also cause cracking when water molecules inside trees freeze and then expand and contract quickly when thawing, creating significant pressure on the trunk.


Exposure to extended periods of hot sunlight followed by rapidly falling temperatures can split a tree’s bark. Young trees with thinner bark structures are much more susceptible to sunscald.

Repair Methods for Vertical Trunk Cracks

There are professional methods for repairing trunk cracking in some cases, including:

  • Bolting. An arborist drills holes in a tree’s trunk and then uses bolts and washers tightened to the correct pressure to pull the split together so it can heal.

  • Wound removal. Occasionally, an arborist can remove an injured area by carefully removing cracked and damaged bark. The arborist treats the wound area to facilitate healing and protect against infestation and disease infection.

Preventing Trunk Cracking 

Sometimes, an owner can insulate young trees during extreme weather changes by wrapping them with cloth or burlap. Otherwise, the best preventative measure is promoting general good tree health and strength.

Contact Monster Tree Service of Greenville County for Complete Tree Care

What causes a tree trunk to split vertically? Now that you have more information on the subject, let the top firm of professional arborists and tree experts in Greenville assist you in caring for your trees. 

Read our other posts for information on related topics, including tree care, tree removal, and why Bradford pear trees are bad for your Greenville property. You can count on our team to provide complete, expert, and friendly customer service.  

Call Monster Tree Service of Greenville County today at (864) 756-5665 for further assistance with your tree care and maintenance questions.