Welcome to the Blog!

Hello and Welcome to the first entry of the Minneapolis branch of Monster Tree Service’s BLOG! At Monster Tree Service we not only love to service our customer’s trees with tree pruning, tree removal, and our other services, but we just love trees and want to use this blog reach out and visit in a relaxed and chatty manner. My name is Jody, the office manager. Let’s chat!

So for our first entry I visited a web site from the World Wildlife Fund (Worldwidelife.org) and took a quiz about “What tree are you?” Take it yourself, it’s super fun! So it turns out that I am a Stone Pine or in Latin ya’ll , that’s Pinus Pinea. Let the passage below from the site explain to you about

Who I am – If I Were a Tree. How’s that for an introduction!

“Native to the Mediterranean, the stone pine is an evergreen that has been a staple in ornamental gardens since the Renaissance, thanks to its predictable umbrella-like shape. It grows to around 40 to 65 feet in height. Small species are used as bonsai trees.

Your friends know what to expect from you, just as gardeners know what to expect from this tree. Whether it’s your mood, your wardrobe or your preferred choice of activities on the weekend, they know you’ll be there and ready for a good time. Very little dissuades you from going out – the weather, traffic, the restaurant. You’re happy to be out and about and doing something fun!”

Okay, this is weird because I think I am a Pinus Pinea! You should see the picture too. I am awesome.
