Today Is "Say Something Nice Day"

Today, June 1, is “Say Something Nice Day”! In honor of that I would like to say something nice about the customers at Monster Tree Service. Monster Tree Service has serviced hundreds of customers who have been, in no particular order or combinations herein, delightful, thoughtful, funny, smart, and really nice. I know this for a fact because I sometimes make these actual notes about our customers after getting off the phone. It not only helps jog my memory of them but also goes out into the field notes so our crews know they will have the great pleasure of working for someone that day who is “really, really nice.”

Full disclosure here, I will admit that I am painfully aware that I have not achieved the “really, really nice” status on many occasions while being a customer myself. I won’t name names here, but some companies lack skills in customer service, and their services in general, and I am the type of helpful person who will be more than happy to serve up a dose of well-intentioned constructive criticism. Again, I am going to go with considering myself a helpful contributor rather than what they actually wrote about me when they got off their phones.
