The Money Tree

 Hello Monster Tree Service Blog Readers. Today I wanted to tell you about a tree of particular fascination to me, the Money Tree. Oh, do I have your attention now?

Monster Tree Service is currently Business of the Week at our local grocery store in Chanhassen, and we are having a drawing to win a Free Money Tree! Yes! Come on in and register and if you win, we’ll deliver it to your home AND give you a free estimate on some tree work. You should also know that the Money Tree we are giving away is potted in a delightful gold container with images of coins. Wow.

I have always been interested in owning a Money Tree. I mean, what if, right? It’s not like I have all the answers about how the universe works. Having said that I am open to the idea, and I thought I would do some research. So you know, I am going to be liberally taking this information from Wikipedia. Thank you Wikipedia.

The Science

The Money Tree is a jade plant, also known as Malabar Chestnut, Guiana Chestnut, provision tree, saba nut, or scientifically as a Pachira Aquatica. The Money Tree needs repotting every two years and if you keep re-potting, it will keep getting larger as the root base grows. This would be very similar the experience we had after winning the kindergarten classroom goldfish named Mustache who grew and grew and grew with every bigger and larger tank we purchased. This was not the winning situation it began as.

The Pinocchio Connection

From an old cartoon (which I just watched) it is the tale about the moral lesson that greed is bad and that money does not grow on trees. Basically, Pinocchio was tricked into stealing a money tree from a volcano and after he replanted it and watered it, it really did turn into a tree which produced gold coins. Unfortunately, everyone found out about it and predictably ravaged the poor tree, eventually even cutting it down to get to the top branches. Well, after the greedy villagers did this, all the gold coins turned into dried leaves and blew away. Lesson learned!

Chinese Legend

This legend believes that the Money Tree is a holy tree, which can bring money and fortune to the people, and that it is a symbol of affluence, nobility and auspiciousness. Many dynasties have used these trees in art and mythological narratives. They have been excavated by archaeologists in western China which indicates an adoration of the Money Tree was prevalent in the Han Dynasty. The Money Tree regains popularity during the Chinese New Year. According to custom, Money Trees are made of a bushy pine or cypress branch nestled inside a porcelain pot filled with rice grains. Melon seeds and pine nuts are sprinkled over the top of the rice. Decorating the branches are gold and silver coin garlands made of paper. Symbols of long life (including paper cranes and deer) also embellish the tree, which is usually topped by the genie of wealth, Liu Hai, or the character for happiness. (I’m going to have to check into Liu Hai).

It is also said that if you touch the leaf, you will have good fortune. Since I just lovingly cleaned each of the individual leaves on our Money Tree before placing it on our table as Business of the Week, I am sure I have all the luck I’ll need for the day. Maybe I’ll cash that in and transfer the luck to a lottery ticket. You don’t have to believe, but if you’re not a player, I can tell you with confidence that you will never win. You can take my advice to the bank, and just maybe, some good luck in the future.
