Minnesota Has 52 Native Tree Species

Hello. Today I am once again using information I found on the DNR Website for the state of Minnesota. Thank you again, DNR for all the informative and interesting information! In particular, the article about the 52 trees that are native to Minnesota. Remember, when you are interested in planting a tree, Monster Tree Service will be happy to do the research and find the tree that is best suited to your plan and we will plant it for you. Native species are always a good choice.

Looking at the list, it is divided into two groups. DECIDUOUS and CONIFEROUS. We touched on this briefly before in another blog, but let’s revisit. The list of Coniferous trees native to Minnesota include:

  • Balsam fir
  • Black spruce
  • Eastern hemlock
  • Eastern red cedar (juniper)
  • Eastern white pine
  • Jack pine
  • Northern white cedar
  • Red pine (Norway pine)
  • Tamarack (eastern or American larch)
  • White spruce

The list of the deciduous trees is much longer. Do you really want me to list them all? Also, what the heck is the meaning of deciduous and coniferous? Okay, so it turns out that both the words, coniferous and deciduous are Adjectives.

Let’s stick with the coniferous word first. It is an adjective meaning “belong or pertaining to the conifers”. Helpful. And apparently the word Conifer is the root word, but there is a lot of information in the definition (located at dictionary.com…do I always have to reference my sites? Do I need an English teacher to help me…..or a lawyer? Why is everything so complicated now?). So I think the long definition for Conifer is interesting so I’m going to give it to you below. Skip it if you want….but that would be your mistake.

ARGG, do I have to list this content link? http://content.dictionary.com/help/dictionary/ahsd/pronkey.html) If you click on this link and leave me now that I’ve done all the work, I will be very put out….fyi. I’ve taken the time to underline the super cool parts.

“Any of various gymnosperms that bear their reproductive structures in cones and belong to the phylum Coniferophyta. Conifers evolved around 300 million years ago and, as a group, show many adaptations to drier and cooler environments. They are usually evergreen and often have drought-resistant leaves that are needle-shaped or scale-like. They depend on the wind to blow pollen produced by male cones to female cones, where fertilization takes place and seeds develop. Conifers are widely distributed, but conifer species dominate the northern forest biome known as taiga. There are some 550 species of conifers, including the pines, firs, spruces, hemlocks, cypresses, junipers, yews, and redwoods. See more at pollination, seed-bearing plant.”

Okay, turns out the above definition is of “Coniferous in Science”. But I gotta say the words “forest biome known as taiga” were like from middle earth or something. That really jumped out. An easier definition is: conifer is a noun, meaning, any of numerous, chiefly evergreen trees or shrubs of the class Coniferinae, including the pine, fir, spruce, and other cone-bearing trees and shrubs, and also the yews and their allies that bear drupelike seeds.

Now I’m distracted that trees have allies and bear drupelike seeds. It is all so fascinating, but I’m going to stop the madness of this run on blog and save allies and drupelike for the next one. And as for listing the Deciduous trees, you can forget about it. I’ll save that nugget for later too. I hope you learned something today. I know I always do. TGIF! (And if you are reading this on any other day of the week….sorry).
