Can Trees Impact the Value of Your Property?

It goes without saying that trees offer countless benefits when it comes to environmental and physical appearance of the world around us. However, they also offer some additional benefits that many people are unaware of. For instance, Monster Tree Service was recently featured in an article by discussing how trees can often impact the value of your property. So, we thought we would dig a little deeper on this topic and give some further insight into this interesting topic with a little Q&A! 

Q: Do trees impact your property's value?

A: Yes they can!

Direct Benefits: Landscaped homes are often

valued 5-20% higher than homes without

landscaping. In warmer months, cooling costs tend

to be lower in buildings with ample tree shade.

In colder months, heating costs are reduced, given

the protection from wind trees provide.

Trees are often a key factor considered when property appraisers are determining the value of homes.

Q: Can cutting down a tree increase property value?

A: This mostly depends on the health of the tree. If a tree is in poor health or is a potential hazard to the property, removing a tree could help maintain the value of the property.

Dying trees present the risk of falling and damaging the property. Likewise, trees in poor locations, like trees with branches that hang over the top of the home, present risks of damaging the roof when branches fall, and trees with expansive root systems that are too close to the house can damage the foundation if root systems break through them.

Q: What are the best trees to add value to your home?

A: The best types of trees to plant on your property to increase the home's value are resilient, have suitable root crowns, are low maintenance, and are visually appealing.

The types of trees you plant depend on which work best for your specific location, but a few trees that we recommend are maples, ornamentals, oaks, hickories, and elm trees.

Q: What types of trees should you avoid and why? Can choosing the wrong tree cost you?

A: Most trees present significant benefits to the property. However, some are best to stay away from. This includes invasive tree species like black locusts, box elders. Additionally, it's best to avoid trees that typically attract invasive pest species or disease and require significant maintenance.

Q: How do you choose the right tree for your home?

A: Choosing the right tree for your property often involves many different factors, including your local ecosystem, species native to your local region, and the look you want to achieve your landscape design.

It is always best to consult with an expert arborist to help you determine which trees are best for your property.
