Why You Should You Have Your Trees Assessed This Winter

Why You Should Have Your Trees Assessed This Winter

We often associate tree and plant health care with spring. However, the winter season is a better time to hire a professional arborist for a tree health assessment. So, why should you have your trees assessed this winter? The Monster Tree Service team explains why tree health assessments are important, why winter is the best season for them, and what to expect when you schedule your appointment.


Why are Tree Health Assessments Important?

A tree inspection is the first step to ensuring the health and safety of your tree, property, and family. In addition to pruning and beautifying your tree, yearly tree inspections by a professional arborist can prevent issues like pest and disease infestation before they arise and mitigate safety concerns like deadwood or broken branches. Since most people can’t identify tree problems at first glance, it’s important to schedule professional tree assessments with the experts. While it may be tempting to group this task with spring cleaning, the winter months provide a better evaluation environment.


Why Should You Have Your Trees Assessed in Winter?

So, why should you have your trees assessed this winter rather than wait for spring? Here are some of the top benefits of winter tree maintenance:

  • Leaves hide things! Arborists can spot tree issues more quickly when they’re bare and make better decisions on which branches to trim.

  • Snow can pose a danger! Winter snowfall can overload weakened tree branches, posing a safety risk of falling branches on your property.

  • Dormant trees recover faster! Trimming trees in the winter during their dormant period is better so they can focus their energy on healing. In the summer, trees need to focus their efforts on producing leaves and growing.

  • Cold weather means fewer pests! Pests thrive during spring and summer, making your tree more vulnerable to infestation. Winter tree-trimming ensures tree wounds can properly heal before the bugs come out. Additionally, it will be easier to treat existing pest infestations.


What Does an Arborist Inspect During a Tree Assessment?

Here’s what to expect during your winter tree assessment.

Root Health

Your arborist will inspect root health around the tree’s root crown where the trunk meets the roots. A root collar excavation may be required if there are present issues or decay due to soil build-up or girdling roots.

Pest & Disease Infestation

Pest and disease infestation can be caused by poor soil, improper watering, or compromised tree wounds. Spotting early signs is key to stopping the spread. Professional arborists will look for signs of decay and recommend the right trunk injections to help the tree recover before spring.

Trunk Health & Branch Trimming

The tree trunk is the main support and connector of the tree, so this component must be healthy. Arborists will inspect for cracks compromising the tree's structure, peeling bark, decay, and split stems. Additionally, your arborist will assess if the tree needs trimming and pruning, which is easier to determine in the winter months when the tree is bare. Winter pruning will help the tree best utilize its energy for summer.


Check Your Tree Assessment Off Your Winter To-Do List

Even if you think your trees look healthy, getting a winter tree assessment is essential because you might miss an issue that could become more serious by the spring. Take advantage of the dormant season to get the most out of your tree assessment and prepare your tree for a healthy growing season. Your local Monster Tree Service team offers free estimates and upfront pricing, so you know what to expect. Contact us today to schedule an assessment.
