Recognizing and Responding to Signs of Tree Stress

recognizing and responding to signs of tree stress

Have you spotted something unusual about your tree? A stressed tree in your yard is easy to spot. Common signs of tree stress include a general lack of vigor, dead branches, foliage issues, insects, missing or distorted growth, secretions, and flaking bark. Various environmental, external, or internal stressors can cause these symptoms. Without the right approach, tree stress can kill your precious tree.

This article covers everything from common signs of tree stress to practical solutions to get your tree in the best possible condition.

Excessive Heat and Tree Stress: Recognizing the Symptoms

Extreme heat is one of the leading causes of stress to trees. Scorching Texas summers can cause a lot of stress for trees. Symptoms of tree stress associated with extreme heat include:

Leaf wilting

One of the common signs of heat stress in trees is wilting leaves. Trees rely on a natural process called transpiration to transport nutrients and cool themselves down. When trees cannot replenish the moisture lost in time, their leaves end up wilting. Prolonged wilting, even when temperatures are cooler, is considered to be one of the main symptoms of heat stress.

Scorched leaf edges

If your trees are exposed to too much heat, they may develop brown leaf edges. This condition—common in trees growing in hot and exposed spaces or those with large, thin leaves—occurs when trees lose more water than they can absorb from the ground.

Dead leaves or leaves falling off

Dead or dropping leaves is another common sign of stress in trees. When exposed to extreme heat, trees may drop leaves to conserve water/moisture. Depending on your tree type, leaves normally drop during autumn.

Little to no new growth

Heat stress can also significantly impact the vigor and growth of healthy trees. Affected trees can be left with diminished health – characterized by reduced leaf size and stunted growth.

Taking Care of Business: Responding to Signs of Tree Stress

If you spot any of the above signs of stress in trees associated with exposure to extreme heat, be sure to take immediate action. Some of the most effective remedies include:

Watering Trees in Drought

Proper hydration is a must when addressing heat stress for trees. Deep watering is required to ensure that your trees replenish the water lost. To keep your tree healthy in hot weather, focus on the root zone when you water plants, allowing the water to penetrate up to 18 inches into the soil.

Can Trees Go Dormant?

Prolonged periods of extremely hot weather can force trees into summer dormancy. This is normally accompanied by stress-induced leaf, fruit, and, in severe cases, branch drop.

How Tree Stress Worsens Insect and Mite Damage

Tree stress makes trees more susceptible to opportunistic insect attacks and diseases. Tress stress kills leaves and branches. It also causes the development of a shallow root system. Things worsen as the tree struggles to produce enough carbohydrates for healthy growth. As your tree's health continues to decline, you are likely to spot various signs of insect damage – the most obvious one being holes from insect damage.

Beyond Repair - Dealing with Dying or Dead Trees

Is your tree dead or dying? As a responsible tree owner, consider taking the following steps:

  • Conduct a detailed inspection to determine whether the tree is dead or dying. Look for different types of damage, including fungal damage, root damage, damaged foliage, pests or termites, bark cracks, and serious leaf damage.

  • Hire a tree care expert/arborist to identify the issue

  • Address soil moisture problems

  • Treat with the right type of fertilizer

If your tree is already dead or has suffered irreversible damage and cannot be saved, consider hiring a tree removal service to remove it from your property safely. These pros can also provide suggestions on how you can use the dead tree in your landscaping.

How Partnering with a Pro can Keep Your Trees Healthy

You can keep your trees in tip-top condition with the help of a reputable tree service provider. These experts can:

  • Provide routine care in the form of professional pruning and trimming services.

  • Guide you on how to water plants properly.

  • Conduct soil analysis and recommend the most suitable fertilizer (such as slow-release fertilizers, ensuring proper nutrition for an extended period).

Contact Monster Tree Today to Learn More

Tree stress can have a severe impact on the health and longevity of your tree. Failure to address the problem can lead to tree death. To find out more about temperature stress and how to deal with it, contact Monster Tree today.
