
Pest Control and Protecting Your Trees and Shrubs from Common Insects

insects on a tree

Your yard is home to different species of trees and shrubs. But it is also home to a variety of insect species. While some are beneficial insects, others can be pretty harmful. It is essential to identify and learn more about destructive insects and pest control measures.

If you have high-value trees in your yard, consider these ideal ways of preventing damage to trees.

Identifying Common Tree and Shrub Insects

The emerald ash borers (EAB) are among some of the most common insects that affect trees and shrubs in Northwest Houston. They are wood-boring common pests that mainly affect ash trees. Emerald ash borers will kill stressed and healthy trees.

Bagworms are also among the most damaging insects on trees and shrubs. The natural predators form a casing (waxy covering) or “bag” using pieces of the tree’s foliage. Adult bagworms will use the bags as their sleeping quarters. Bagworm larvae feed on the tree's leaves and needles.

Adult Japanese beetles feed on fruit trees, crops, shrubs, and vines. Their larvae feed on the roots of different species of plants. Japanese beetles disrupt the food chain, reducing resources for insects, birds, and other herbivores.

Aphids are another form of natural predators of trees and shrubs. Large aphid populations cause the yellowing of leaves and a sticky substance, “honeydew,” from tree sap. The substance attracts other common insects.

Signs Your Trees and Shrubs Are Under Attack

It is easy to know when pests and diseases invade your evergreen trees and ornamental plants. You will note some abnormal appearances such as powdery mildew. A powdery white substance appears on the surface of the leaf. The mildew results from millions of fungal pores, leading to yellowing and browning. The result is the premature falling of the leaf.

You might also notice that your trees develop discolored leaves. You’ll notice some spots on leaves, mainly black. The condition often leads to leaf loss.

Another sign that your trees are under attack is the presence of Anthracnose. This is common in deciduous trees. Common symptoms include small dead spots on leaves, twig death, and dying buds. It can also lead to discolored leaves.

Oak wilt is another sign that you need to check. It is a fungal disease that affects oak trees. The fungus affects the tree trunks by clogging the veins and cutting off the water supply.

Natural Methods for Pest Prevention

There are a few organic measures to eliminate insect pests in your lawn. These methods can eliminate pests with minimal harm to humans, the environment, and other organisms.

The first step is ensuring proper plant care for healthier plants. Proper pruning and watering result in reduced stressed trees. Healthy plants are better positioned to fight against pests and diseases.

Beneficial insect release involves parasites that can feed on the pests. Not only does this method help to reduce pests, but also supports biodiversity. Some of the popular, beneficial insects include ladybugs and nematodes.

You can also make organic sprays from essential oils, vinegar, citrus peels, and peppermint oil. These natural sprays do not leave harmful residues, making them an ideal solution for eatable fruit trees.

When to Consider Chemical Treatments

You should only consider chemical insecticide applications when all the natural methods fail. Identify the pest first before any insecticidal application to avoid killing beneficial insects. Microbial insecticides only target a specific pest, do not harm beneficial insects, and are non-toxic to mammals.

Consider the ideal insecticide for trees before application—for example, systematic treatments when applying insecticides to your pine trees are perfect. Insecticide applications involve soil infection or drenching, trunk injections, and foliar spraying.

Avoid broad-spectrum chemical treatments as they have the potential to harm beneficial insects. It is also essential to confirm that the pesticide is safe for use in Northwest Houston. Follow the directions on the product label.

Preventive Maintenance Tips

Keeping your yard clean will go a long way in maintaining healthier trees and shrubs. You should prune plants that have visible damage to avoid spreading diseases. In such instances, you must prune entire branches and extra fruits.

Weed control will also help in protecting your trees and shrubs. Remember also to clear dead leaves, which makes it hard for insect pests to have a place to hide. Clearing entire branches, especially those hanging near your house, reduces hiding places for pests.

Taking care of the soil and watering your plants results in healthier plants. Creating space between the trees and shrubs reduces shadows and airflow. You can consult us for a complete lawn care program. Consider at least one annual lawn aeration service in your yard.

Protect Your Landscape with Monster Tree Services

Unfortunately, there are too many invaders of trees and shrubs to look out for. However, Monster Tree of Northwest Houston offers healthcare and preventive treatments for a wide variety of trees and plants. We are experts in various pests that can affect your plants. Contact Monster Tree of Northwest Houston for a healthier, beautiful yard!